Onimusha Tactics is a tactical role-playing game developed by Capcom and released in 2003. It follows the story of Onimaru, a ninja possessing the Oni gauntlet and tasked to saved Japan from Oda Nobunaga and his Genma forces.
The graphics and sounds for the game are decent, and the gameplay is pretty simple. In fact, it does not have the complexities that other tactical/strategy role playing games has. It has limited characters, with limited skills (4 skills of which 3 are uniques while one of the skills is imbued by an enhanced weapon) and the difficulty level is pretty low. The hardest challenge is the Phantom Zone which can be unlocked after Episode 13 and all 16 levels can only be unlocked after Episode 40 which is pretty much at the end of the game. (45 Episodes). But don't get me wrong, the simplicity of the game is in fact what I loved about the game. This is one of those games that you fell in love with because of the storyline, if you love watching animes that you'd understand. Playing each episode is like watching an episode of an anime series and thus it offers two of the best things I love, anime and video games. (oh, samurai and ninjas too).
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